página está en construcción: perdonen los errores y temas inacabados.

This page is being developed: I am sorry for errors and unfinished subjects.


Conversations with Wafa

We begin today these conversations (in fact we began some weeks ago, but now consecrate them for the first time) which will be dedicated to questions about phonetics and metrics of the English language, but not exclusively since Spanish will also be treated in them.

Wafa is a very clever girl and also very young, what means that she could progress a long way in the road of knowledge but it will only happen if she concentrates hershef in every thing she does.,

Here are the pages that we are writing together:

Rhythmic and intoned English
A page in Spanish in Spanish
A page in Spanish
Chansons françaises
Intellect vs the other basic qualities
Rhythm of misanthrope
Como dar clases
Beggining 2016

Back to the beginning.    Last updatedomingo, 17 de enero de 2016     Visitors: contador de visitas